Annual Filing Compliance of Public Limited
Annual Return in Form MGT-7 regarding the latest information about the directors and shareholders of the public limited company.
A public limited company incorporated under the companies act, 2013 with a minimum of 3 directors & minimum of 7 members. A public limited company is entitled to offer shares to the general public. Since public money is involved, annual compliances become the major answerability to the public regarding the affairs of the company. It is mandatory for all Public Limited companies to file annual compliances on time as per dates defined by ROC. Failure in filing compliance on time leads to heavy penalties on business.
Following are annual compliances of a public limited company:
- Annual Return in Form MGT-7 regarding the latest information about the directors and shareholders of the public limited company
- Financial Statements in Form AOC-4 to be filed with the Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account, Directors' Report, Cash Flow Statement, Auditor's Report, and the Consolidated Financial Statement
- Income Tax Returns
- Secretarial Audit Report in Form MR-3
- Annual Compliances under all Rules and Regulations associated with SEBI
- Form MGT-14 for Adoption of Financials and Director's Report
- Form MGT-15 regarding an exclusive report on the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the company.