Bulk GST Return Filing
There are different types of GST Return Application status which relies on the action of the taxpayer.
Types of Return Application Status
There are different types of GST Return Application status which relies on the action of the taxpayer and they are as following:
In case the return is due but it has not yet been filed then it will show the status “TO BE FILED.” When the return has been validated but shows the filing status pending than the status would show “SUBMITTED BUT NOT FILLED.”
In case the return has been filed without any pending status than it shows “FILED-VALID” status.
When the return has been filed but tax is not paid or less/short paid than the status would show “FILED-INVALID.”
Verifying and determining the e-Filed GST Returns
Any taxpayer can view and download the status of GST Returns which has been filed electronically by using the following procedure.
- Open the common portal: https://www.gst.gov.in/
- Enter your valid credentials on the login page.
- Maneuver the cursor and click Service > Returns > View e-Files Return